The CARMA Chronicles

Doctoral candidate and author Ree Botts-Ward talks about mourning her inner [blackgirl] child from Philadelphia to now Oakland, California

Flourish Agenda Episode 3
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00:00 | 39:51

In this episode, host Chris Nguon speaks to the dynamic Ree Botts-Ward. Ree is a renowned poet, artist, and educator, who is also a doctoral candidate at the University of California-Berkeley in the department of African American and African Diaspora studies. Ree's first book, mourning my inner[blackgirl] child, dives into Ree's personal healing journey as a young Black girl growing up on the East Coast.

Ree talks about the process of her own healing and how she aimed to heal others while not really understanding what that meant for herself. Ree's reflection of her healing journey, which has been filled with brilliant moments of joy and heart-wrenching trauma, allows the listener into the life of one of the most dynamic young healing-centered practitioners in the world. From her young black girl life growing up in Philadelphia to her community love work now in Oakland, Ree's personal story is one that displays the very real reality of growing up as a Black girl turned woman in America.